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At the beginning was the logo.

My origins are summarized in the symbol of the estate, which gathers the deepest meanings of my roots. At the center of the symbol rests the almond, the secret of the rural civilization of which I am the heir. The almond is formed thanks to the embrace of two circumferences that meet each other in the center: from this marriage is born the hearth, the guardian of ancient traditions.

I searched my origins, the history of my family, finding certain news from the end of 1700.
At that time, my great-great-grandfather, Pantaleone Forte, was born. Pantaleone was an exponent of peasant civilization, forged by sweat, discipline; by the rhythms of the marriage between man and nature, between tradition and culture combined with great passion for the land and animal creatures. From these rituals, uses, the historical memory grows and develops, the secret, the fire that burns, expands, and it doesn’t consume.

At the beginning was the logo In this way I summarize my vision as a farmer, who goes back, in my memory, to the great-grandfather Pantaleone Forte, farmer, keeper of the secret of the almond; Pantaleone became father of Pasquale who became his faithful successor, respecting and enriching the work done by his ancestors. Pasquale left, in turn, the witness and the custody of valor to his son, who was given the name of his great-grandfather Pantaleone.

Pantaleone, my grandfather, will bequeath the art of cultivating the land and raising animal creatures to his son Giuseppe, my father.

My father was a great farmer, animated by strength and balance, a tireless worker, moved and inspired by the passion and tradition learned from his father Pantaleone. He was the new keeper of my family’s historical memory.

One day, the arrow of Eros strikes Giuseppe and Giuseppina, who join in a solid marriage giving birth to a new family. From their love Me and my brothers come to light. I lived a rich, happy childhood, until the day when a sudden condition forced my family to take a hard decision: leaving Calabria, the fields of the family farm, to move to northern Italy, in the province of Como. A silent and at the same time painful transfer, a sudden detachment from our roots. Nevertheless, the values of my family include rolling up our sleeves, being reborn to new life, as my name, Pasquale, suggests.

The meeting with Podere Petrucci took place one day in 1997. That day I set foot in this place, the first step made me see the wonder, the second step the vision of becoming. That day the almond not only knocked at the door of my heart but opened it. Podere Petrucci became the base for my return to my roots, restoring my family’s origins. So, in honor of my tradition I gave this place the name of Podere Forte.

However, for me it was important to keep alive the history of the Petrucci family, one of the most important Senese families between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A family that had dominated the political scene of Siena, especially thanks to Pandolfo, Bartolomeo and Giacoppo, called the Magnificent. The respect I have for Petrucci and its origins, made me choose to baptize the wine prince of the farm, with the name: Petrucci.

In honor of the memory of my grandfather, my great-great-grandfather and my brother, both named Pantaleone, at the entrance of the cellar I placed two winged Lions, bearers of the meaning of the custody of fire, similar to the name Pantaleone. I am convinced that a man without values is a man without roots, and I do not forget it every time I start the day by taking the first decisive and delicate steps in this rich microcosm. In the biotype of the farm I chose to work the land, to breed with respect animals, following both biological and biodynamic protocols… Olive Oil, ancient wheat, vegetables, fruits are brothers of the focal point, the sacred fire of this macrocosm: the wine.

The wine is at the center of the farm as our commitment to continue the millenary tradition, of which the wine is a messenger. The memory of the expansion and cultural unity of peoples. The vineyard, in many ancient texts, is associated with the symbol of the lion, faithful companion of the destiny of his journey that brings the grape to the harvest. Sacred moment in which the fire is extracted, the energy of the wine first kept in the secrets of the vineyard. Then, through some ritual steps, you get to the oak barrels and finally in the bottle. The bottles will travel the world and will bring the memory and taste of this place. Thinking about this destiny of wine, I first feel the responsibility then a great joy. Wine is drunk to remember not to forget. The memory of my past has become my present, it will become the future of my children and generations to come.

Memory is always a bud of new life in the perpetual succession of time.

Pasquale Forte

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